Our team

We are a small team of five seamstresses and one shop assistant operating out of Portland, OR. We are completely women owned and operated and our team includes a mother and two daughter team called Stem and Bud. Check out their beautiful store here. Pictured is founder Ariel Russell & her son Charlie.

“Reusable is bad for business”

Yes! It is, and that’s a good thing. Protecting our environment should take priority over business ten times out of ten. At Saged Home we tell our customers to reduce, reuse and refuse and we really mean that. That means looking at home for something you can repurpose… an old towel that you can cut up into rags before buying new ones, refilling an empty spray bottle with homemade cleaning solution before buying one of ours. We love encouraging our customers to get creative and do what they can, and when you’ve washed and reused your ziplock bags so many times that they fall apart or that plastic spray bottle finally breaks, replace it with a quality reusable version from Saged Home.

Community Over Competition

Community is very important to us and if we are putting the environment first, that means we are encouraging people to shop local first. If you are a creative and want to know how to make your own version of one of our products, just ask! If you are another small business fighting the good fight to provide greener, more sustainable options to consumers we’d love to talk to you and swap ideas about sourcing, green packaging alternatives, you name it. Don’t hesitate to reach out, all are welcome.